Sunday, March 14, 2010

Eigth Blog

The gladiators needed weapons and protective equipment as well as many other things to help them survive whilst in the battling arena. Some of them include;

Balteus: (sword belt)
Cetratus - Light Shield
Clipeus - Large, oval body shield
Fascia: Protective leg padding
Galea: Visored helmet
Galerus: Shoulder guard
Greave: Leg armor
Kalkriese: Face armor
Spangenhelm - Highly Protective German helmet
Cuirass - Breastplate
Lorica hamata: Ring-mail armor
Lorica squamata: Scale, or plate, armour
Manica (pl.manicae): Protective arm wraps
Ocrea: Leg guard
Parmula: Small, light shield
Parma equestris: Medium-sized, round, cavalry shield
Scutum: Large Shield
Thorax Hamata - Chain mail
Cingulum - a wide leather belt
Spongia - Small breast plate

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