Sunday, February 28, 2010

This is a picture of Maximus from the movie Gladiator, which we are watching in class, and he is fighting in the Coloseum as a gladiator. I haven't seen much of the movie so far, so i don't really know why he is fighting but I have seen the part where the enemy kills his family and then he gets really angry and sad. I have chosen to do the Gladiator theme because it looks interesting.
Some buildings i can do for my google earth assignment are:
  • The coloseum
  • I don't really know what else yet

This is the famous biulding from Ancient Rome, The Coloseum and it has been around for almost 2000 years. They used to have gladiator fights in the Coloseum during Ancient Rome and that is why i am probably going to use gladiators as my theme for this assignment. I am starting to do some research for this assignment at the moment.

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