Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my second blog now and I have tried to the it three times now but it hasn't worked and has deleted my work so that is why I have only done one so far. The work sheet we did on class on friday has given me ideas on what to do for my assignment. Ancient Rome was the largest city back then and at the height of its power there were over 1 million people living there which was a lot because there wasn't many people in the world. There were and still are many magnificent bulidings in Rome and some of the stronger ones are still standing. Probably the most famous of these is the Colloseum which was used for gladiator fights back in Ancient Rome. Rome used to suffer severe damage because of the violent fires that would break out in the slums. The slums was a dangerous place and Emperor Augustus introuced a police force to try and make it a less dangerous place.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - you could use some of these facts and words in your speech.
