Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fourth Blog

This is now my fourth blog for this unit and i think that i am definietly going to do gladiators as my theme. A gladiator back in Ancient Rome was someone who fought to the death in a big arena to entertain the rich people of the city. They would use many brutal weapons such as swords, a mace and other dangerous weapons to try and kill each other. There were also animals thrown in to the arena at times such as tigers. If a gladiator became really good and survived aand won a lot of fights then he could become famous and even get realesed from having to be a gladiator. The first gladiatorial fight took place around 264BC when they held it as part of a funeral ritual called a munus. I'll say more in my next blog as I am watching the movie Gladiator at the moment.
This is a picture of Maximus from the movie Gladiator, which we are watching in class, and he is fighting in the Coloseum as a gladiator. I haven't seen much of the movie so far, so i don't really know why he is fighting but I have seen the part where the enemy kills his family and then he gets really angry and sad. I have chosen to do the Gladiator theme because it looks interesting.
Some buildings i can do for my google earth assignment are:
  • The coloseum
  • I don't really know what else yet

This is the famous biulding from Ancient Rome, The Coloseum and it has been around for almost 2000 years. They used to have gladiator fights in the Coloseum during Ancient Rome and that is why i am probably going to use gladiators as my theme for this assignment. I am starting to do some research for this assignment at the moment.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my second blog now and I have tried to the it three times now but it hasn't worked and has deleted my work so that is why I have only done one so far. The work sheet we did on class on friday has given me ideas on what to do for my assignment. Ancient Rome was the largest city back then and at the height of its power there were over 1 million people living there which was a lot because there wasn't many people in the world. There were and still are many magnificent bulidings in Rome and some of the stronger ones are still standing. Probably the most famous of these is the Colloseum which was used for gladiator fights back in Ancient Rome. Rome used to suffer severe damage because of the violent fires that would break out in the slums. The slums was a dangerous place and Emperor Augustus introuced a police force to try and make it a less dangerous place.


This is my first blog and I'm not too sure how to use it but i think that doing this will help me. I'm not too sure what I am going to do for my theme yet but I'm probably going to choose between Julio Claudian Emperors, Emperor Trajan or Entertaiment. At the moment I think that the task we have to do is a bit hard and we have to do too much work. I am already behind a bit because I haven't this is only my first blog but i had almost finished my first one and I tried to save and it said it saved but it actually didn't save which is a bit devastating.